How to use the JCAHO web system


JCAHO is a web-based application which gives users a way to record patient information.

This guide includes following information:
Architecture: Generally introduce the function and module of the system.
Enter Data:  Introduction of the data entry.
User Management: Guides of how to add, modify or delete a user account in this system
Report Generation: Introduce how to generate user-friendly report.

1. Architecture


The system includes 9 pages: Select Patient, Demographic, General Requirement, Operative/Other High Risk Procedure, Documentation of Care, Discharge Information, Pastoral Care Information, Monthly Report, User Management.


1.1  Select Patient: This page is used to show the created patient charts (review). The review status is listed which indicates the finished work of the review. Before any data entry, users should create a patient record here.


1.2  Demographic: This page includes the basic patient chart information. This page should be filled first when a new patient record is created by this system.


1.3  General Requirement: This page shows the data entry of Standards 1 to 7.


1.4  Operative/Other High Risk Procedure: This page shows the data entry of Standard 8.


1.5  Documentation of Care: This page shows the data entry of Standards 9 to 16.


1.6  Discharge Information: This page shows the data entry of Standard 17.


1.7  Pastoral Care Information: This page shows the data entry of Standard 18.


1.8  Monthly Report: This page lists the monthly report of the patient charts which includes the statistics of each standard and the comments.


1.9  User Management: this page manages the users add, update and deletion.


2. How to enter data


When users login to this system through the Login page, they enter into the Select Patient page.


If a patient record is not created in this system, users need to click the Create A New Acct to build the patient record for this month. The system changes to the demographic page to let users enter the demographic information, then users can enter other review data by selecting the appropriate pages.


If a patient record is already in this system for this month, users need to select it from the patients list.  The system then goes to the working area, users can select which pages they want to operate on.


Once users enter the data in the any working page, they need to press the submit button on the page to save the data into the database.

3. How to add users


To add, modify or delete a user account, you can go to the User Management page.


3.1  Add a user :  Fill the User Name, client’s name and role, click the add record to create the user account to access this system. The User Name is the user account which is used in UAMS. The Role is the access permission of this web site. Most users are Coordinator (default one). Users with this role can enter data, without managing the web site (such as: set the status of a patient chart, manage the users). The system administrator role should only be granted to users who need to manage this site, such as: add/delete a user, set a patient chart status.


3.2  Modify a user : In the user list, click the edit button. The user’s information will fill the relative fields. You can make any modification and click the Update record button to save the change.


3.3  Delete a user: Press the Delete (X) button to delete the relative user account.


4. How to generate report

In the Monthly Report module, fill the Date Range (from mm/dd/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy) and click the display button. Then the report details will be shown there.

Click the button show detail, it gives out the statistic of each standard. Click the show comment button, all the comments will be lay out.

At the end of page, you can find a button named as Generate Doc, when this function is chosen, a report with Word format will be downloaded to your local machine.